Can love and money work together?
The different financial management styles found within Quebec couples are primarily sociological in nature, but they have a significant impact on the medium and long-term financial health of everyone involved. Observing and identifying the dynamics at work between spouses allows CSF advisors to better accompany each of them and to remain vigilant with respect to their professional obligations.
Portrait of the financial habits of Quebec couples
The CSF conducted a survey of 1,000 Quebecers in a long-term relationship to find out more about how they manage their finances. The results demystify the most common habits and reveal that, while Quebecers say they are comfortable talking about money with their spouse, many factors can hinder the reconciliation of love and money.
“This survey indicates that 90% of those surveyed feel comfortable talking about investments or debt with their spouse. Surprisingly though, half of the respondents have never thought about the consequences of a separation and 74% have never discussed this topic with a financial services advisor.”
Me Marie Elaine Farley,
President and CEO of the CSF.
Mission: help couples talk about money
Sociologist Hélène Belleau, a tenured professor at INRS, is convinced that couples need guidance in starting a healthy and constructive dialogue about personal finance, and that financial services advisors have a part to play. Advisors are important conduits of information,” she says. They can get couples to start that discussion and address sensitive topics like fair sharing of savings, the financial consequences of a breakup, etc.”
Love and money: what questions to ask?
Is a common-law relationship really that free? Can breaking up hurt your wallet? The CSF has produced two new videos, in collaboration with actor and comedian Mehdi Bousaidan, to encourage Quebecers to consider these questions. The videos highlight the professional obligations that make our members trusted professionals and explain the role of the CSF in overseeing the profession.
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Income inequality during active working years has been discussed for several years, but other lesser-known sources of imbalance have significant impacts in retirement. Whether it's the impact of lower contributions, the division of tasks and expenses within couples, or women's approach to risk in investments, these issues benefit from being discussed during client meetings. Professionals can play a crucial role in overcoming obstacles for women to achieve a financially satisfactory retirement.