Minimum size

The minimum size for the logo is defined by the width of the symbol and signature at 1,25 inches (3,175 cm) for printed materials. For electronic communications, the minimum size is 170 pixels.

Minimun size logo CSF 2023


Clear space

To ensure the integrity and legibility of the logo, it is crucial to conserve a clear space around it. This clear space is equivalent to 0.75 X, which is 75% of the height of a rectangle around the symbol or the space between it and the organization's name. This clear space is included in all available file formats, please do not alter it.

Logo CSF zone de protection


Clear space near another logo

The minimum clearance near another logo is 2 times the minimum clear space.

CSF Logo cohabitation


Common Missteps to Avoid 

Here are some examples of incorrect logo usage.

Logo CSF Ne pas modifier la couleurDo not change the color

Logo CSF Ne pas déplacer le symboleDo not move the symbol

Logo CSF Ne pas modifier les proportionsDo not alter the proportions

Logo CSF Ne pas appliquer sur une image qui nuit à la lisibilitéDo not apply on a background that impairs legibility

Logo CSF Ne pas modifier le symboleDo not modify the symbol

Logo CSF Ne pas modifier le texteDo not modify the text

Logo CSF Ne pas ajouter d'effetsDo not add effects

Logo CSF Ne pas inclure dans une formeDo not insert the logo in a shape or form

Logo CSF Ne pas séparer le symbole et la signatureDo not separate the symbol and signature