New law on the Quebec Public Curator: To better protect ourselves and our loved ones

MONTREAL, October 26, 2022 – On November 2nd, Public Curator Julie Baillargeon-Lavergne will explain the role of the Quebec Public Curator and the changes brought about by the Act to better protect persons in vulnerable situations during a free webinar (in French only) organized by Option consommateurs and presented by the Chambre de la sécurité financière (CSF).
Hosted by journalist Pierre Craig, well known for his years at the helm of investigative journalism show La Facture, this event will be an opportunity for everyone to better understand how these changes, which will pass into law on November 1st, will contribute to improving the protection of vulnerable people while safeguarding their autonomy. A question-and-answer period open to all participants will conclude the event.
“These changes to the law will have direct consequences for thousands of people and their loved ones, as well as for the general public. Accidents or disease can happen to anyone and it’s important to consider what would happen if one day we were suddenly unable to take care of ourselves,” said Christian Corbeil, General Manager of Option consommateurs.
“Our mission is to protect the public and we are thankful for the opportunity to present this webinar as part of our partnership with Option consommateurs. Incapacity is an incredibly sensitive issue from which no one is exempt, and as with insurance, prevention is key. To this end, the CSF offers a wide range of tools to support its members and help them respect their many obligations and meet the various needs of their clients,” added Marie Elaine Farley, President and CEO of the CSF.
- Webinar with the Public Curator: Julie Baillargeon-Lavergne
- November 2nd, 2022 from noon to 1:00 PM EDT
- For everyone