The CSF and INRS join forces to expand knowledge on the social aspects of financial security

Montreal, September 29, 2022 - The CSF is proud to announce that over the next year, it will be collaborating with the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) and sociologist Hélène Belleau, PhD, professor at the Centre Urbanisation Culture Société de l’INRS, to expand the scope of knowledge on the social aspects of financial security.

For Marie Elaine Farley, President and CEO of the CSF, this collaboration comes at the right time: “We’ve been actively working with Professor Belleau since the Spring, when we held a conference on demystifying spouses’ financial habits at our annual ProLab event. This partnership will allow us to work hand in hand with the research team at the INRS to add to the materials available to our advisors. Informing our members about the many aspects of financial services, including their ethical obligations when it comes to discussing love and money with their clients, is at the heart of our mission to protect the public.”
“Advisors are important conduits of information: they can get their clients to talk about their finances and address sensitive issues such as the equitable sharing of savings between spouses, the financial consequences of a breakup, etc.,” says Belleau. She hopes to involve financial services advisors in her studies, which focus on the social, legal, and emotional realities of couples, including the mechanisms involved in financial management.
Over the next few months, Belleau and the CSF will develop several trainings and practical tools, including a webinar and reference tool for counsellors, as well as a practical guide for coupled-up consumers seeking advice or resources on handling their finances. These tools will be available on the CSF website.
About the Chambre de la sécurité financière
The mission of the Chambre de la sécurité financière is to ensure the protection of the public by overseeing the mandatory continuing education, ethics and discipline of its 32,000 members, who are financial security advisors, group insurance and group annuity advisors, financial planners, group savings plan broker representatives and scholarship plan broker representatives.
About the INRS
The INRS is a university institution dedicated exclusively to research and post-graduate training. Since its creation in 1969, it has actively contributed to the economic, social, and cultural development of Quebec. The INRS ranks first in Quebec in terms of research power. It is composed of four interdisciplinary research and training centres located in Quebec City, Montreal, Laval and Varennes, which focus their activities on strategic sectors: Water, Land and Environment, Energy, Materials and Telecommunications, Urbanization, Culture and Society, and Armand-Frappier Health and Biotechnology. Its community includes more than 1,500 students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty members and staff members.
About Professor Hélène Belleau
Hélène Belleau is a sociologist and professor at the Centre Urbanisation Culture Société of the INRS. She has been interested in conjugal relationships, the social use of money and the legal framework of de facto unions for several years. She directed the INRS Centre Urbanisation Culture et société from 2018 to 2022, as well as the Familles en Mouvance (Families in Motion) research partnership team from 2014 to 2022 and founded the Observatoire des réalités familiales du Québec. She has given more than 200 conferences as well as continuing education activities recognized by the IQPF and the CSF. She is the author of several books including L’amour et l’argent: Guide de survie en 60 questions with Delphine Lobet, published in 2017 by Remue-Ménage and Quand l’amour et l’État rendent aveugle. Le mythe du mariage automatique. Presses de l’Université du Québec, Quebec City, 2011.
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For more information contact:
Geneviève Fontaine
Chambre de la sécurité financière
Cell : 514-434-2347
Julie Robert
Service des communications et des affaires publiques
Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)
Cell : 514 971-4747