The ins and outs of the TFSA

Chambre de la sécurité financière
4 PDUs

Understanding all the ins and outs will help you offer your customers the optimum savings vehicle.

Since its inception in 2009, the TFSA has carved out a place for itself in savers' portfolios, becoming a competitor to other tax-preferred accounts such as RRSPs and RESPs. 

While the TFSA offers undeniable advantages, you need to know all the legal, tax and financial aspects to be able to determine whether this product is right for your clients' situation.

You'll learn that, in certain circumstances, different solutions may be more appropriate and fruitful...

This CE course is specifically for advisors in:
  • Insurance of persons
  • Mutual funds
Important: see PDUs breakdown before registering.

  • Online training activity including questions with feedback and tools.
  • Duration: 4 hours
  • Multiple-choice summative evaluation to be completed online
  • Passing mark: 50%
  • Prerequisite: none
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